Improving Global Payroll Operations

So how can you improve global payroll operations and ensure compliance?
International Expansion Challenges

As companies all over the world have faced unprecedented business interruption over the last 18 months, many organizations put international expansion plans on hold.
ET REPORTED CASE Media Headline – 09/09/2021

In this ET case which is currently the talk of many on social media, the Claimant was successful in part of her claims, and others (such as harassment) rejected.
Does your Global Payroll need an Upgrade?

Global payroll is complicated – especially when you have employees across multiple countries and currencies.
Business Recovery and Global Expansion

As more economies around the world open up and companies bring employees back to the office, global expansion plans that may have been put on hold last year are now taking shape.
BREAKING NEWS 26/08/2021 – End of The Adjusted Right to Work Checks Extended to 5 April 2022

Released just now (26 August) from the government is a further extension to this adjustment till 5 April 2022.
Global Operations and Payroll

Multinational companies have to manage unique requirements in each country to ensure compliance for the organization.
20/08/2021 – End of The Adjusted Right to Work Checks on 31/08/2021

In our June 2021 newsletter we advised of the extended period for the COVID-19 temporary adjusted right to work checks. On the 31 August 2021, this will come to an end.
Self-Isolation New Rules & Furlough Scheme Ending – 16/08/2021

From today 16 August 2021, the rules regarding the requirement to self-isolate change, which will be welcomed by employers following a huge increase in employees who were “pinged” by the NHS app in recent weeks, causing further disruption to businesses.
What Do Employees Want from Their Employers Now – 13/08/21
So, is the next challenge going to be how to retain and attract talent to businesses or are we facing in the next 12 months what is named as the “great resignation” and; are the employees the ones in the driving seat?