Changes to the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (CJRS) – Claims from May 2021

With the extension of the CJRS to the end of September came the news that from 1st May 2021 more employees could potentially be eligible for the scheme.
Long COVID – What Employers Need to Know and Do – 04/05/2021
ACAS last week has published guidance on whether these conditions are classed as a disability, and how employers should be dealing with employees who may fall within this category.
Managing Evolving Payroll Regulations

As one fiscal year ends, the next year begins – often with new payroll, benefit, and tax regulations.
COVID-19 Vaccine Update – 21/04/2021

On 9 March 2021 we issued our first newsletter on the vaccine and policies to consider as well as understanding that not all employees are able or wish to have the vaccine.
Global Growth in New Markets
Global growth can be difficult to navigate in new countries or markets.
Multi-Country Payroll Compliance

Payroll in every country is challenging, but when you are managing payroll across multiple countries, the complexity grows exponentially.
Recent Employment Tribunal Case & Information Updates – 31/03/2021
We thought we would share a recent case heard at the ET (Employment Tribunal) and just some reminders on statutory payments that come into effect early April.
COVID-19 Staff Shielding New Guidance – 18/03/2021
Public Health England have issued new guidance for those that are categorised as clinically extremely vulnerable, and they are advising that shielding ends as of 1 April 2021 and aligned to the published roadmap set out by the Government on 22 February 2021.
Global Payroll Complexities
How can you keep up with evolving regulations in each country and ensure compliance?
SINGAPORE: Withdrawal of Letters of Consent (LoC) from May 1st 2021

From 1 May 2021, Dependant’s pass holders who wish to continue working in Singapore will need to apply for a relevant work pass, such as an Employment Pass or an S Pass.