Forthcoming Changes to Singapore Government Legislation

Upcoming changes to Singapore legislation
Payroll News

Further to the Chancellor’s statement on Friday 23 September, some important changes impacting on payroll need to be noted by employers.
Right to Work Guidance & Late Applications – 28/06/2021

As we enter the last week of June and the forthcoming 30 June deadline, we have issued the latest version of the Home Office Right to Work guidance which explains the changes to the way, from 1 July 2021, EEA citizens evidence their right to work.
22/06/2021 – Extension to Adjusted Right to Work Checks to 31/08/2021

The government have issued the following update following the announcement last week to extend the date for the easing of lockdown restrictions and social distancing measures.
SINGAPORE: Changes to Intra-Corporate Transfers (ICT) and Employment Passes
Recent changes have been made by MOM in regard to Intra-corporate Transfers (ICT) and Employment Passes.
Uber Drivers – Supreme Court Decision – 25/02/2021

The Uber case has been floating around since 2016 but finally last Friday (21 February), the Supreme Court laid down finally it’s decision on whether 40,000 Uber drivers were workers.